Saturday, 27 February 2010

Restarting the journey

This is almost the end of February and I seem to have achieved very little through a combination of many things, particularly weather and having to work the occasional weekend. Most productive, however, was a week-long vacation in Mallorca with my fiancee and her brother occompanied by his wife. A relaxing week, during which I feel I managed to, at least, achieve the "sequence of composition" project. But that is jumping ahead somewhat and right now, I need to just test the photo upload.

The photo above was taken in a tiny jazz club in Palma - "Jazz Voyeur Club". It was a great night, and I wanted to show interaction between the band and its audience - not easy when the place is so small as it was impossible to move around at the end of the night. The mirror provided an opportunity. I spent the evening shooting at ISO 3,200 and feel I had some very creditable results. Shooting throughout was at 1/30. Oh, and the band went by the name of "Big Yuyu"

I'm sure that uploading to the blog will become easier, but I found this somewhat awkward to use - perhaps I'm doing something wrong, as the import always went to the top of the blog post and not where I wanted it to be!

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