The purpose of this exercise is to discover lines and how they appear to the eye and to the camera. Some of the lines would be clear man-made objects, othere less so, being created by appearance alone.
ISO 200 67mm f5 1/320 |
The rivets on the exposed steam engine boiler created a lot of opportunity and thought. Even though I deliberately shot this in a vertical format, I feel the pattern created by the rivets is in a horizontal plane. I believe that this influenced by two things:
1. the highlight in the upper third which runs horizontally; and
2. the reinforcement plate which is at the base of photograph.
Of the two, the highlight, to me, has the stronger effect.
ISO 200 28mm f10 1/80 |
A man-made landscape at Marks Hall shown above. There is a walled garden and brickwork forming the bank of the lake. To me this shouts horizontal lines and there are plenty - doubled in the reflection!
ISO 200 300mm f14 1/200 |
Lines created through blocks of colour, though the mist has taken the vibrance away from the sky, however, there are clear lines formed at the division between the blocks of green and yellow.
ISO 200 67mm f8 1/160 |
Again, though shot in a vertical format, I feel that here there are strong horizontals formed from the steps which then lead to the apparent platform and bannister railings.
ISO 1600 105mm f10 1/30 |
The levers in the signal box provided an opportuntity to have a mass of individual objects lined up tightly with some tightened perspective. This certainly provides strong verticals, but also diagonals leading into the shot.
ISO 100 105mm f9 1/10 |
I was having a bit of fun with purpose. there were lots of trees in the woodland in the grounds of Marks Hall, but I wanted to accentuate the vertical nature of these Douglas Firs by moving the camera vertically during exposure. This ends up with a strong vertical feel.
ISO 400 100mm f11 1/250 |
I used this photograph previously in the exercise where relationships between points were examined. Here the lines created in the grass by the lawn-mowers and viewed from a height, provide the vertical lines.
ISO 200 300mm f16 1/125 |
A mix of the man-made in the rill which had been constructed joining the ponds at two levels and the opportunistic shot of the youngsters themselves creating shapes and also adding to the vertical lines. Using the long focal length of 300mm has flattened the perspective and changed the slopes into verticals.
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