Saturday, 10 September 2011

Back to work!

I've not done much towards TAOP since early June. I developed neck pains in February which became increasingly severe, to the point where the various pain-killers which I was taking left me totally spaced out.  Eventually, in August, a lipoma was removed.  This had attached itself to the vertebrae in my neck and applied pressure on the nerves.  This, however has not been the entire solution and there is further damage to the vertebrae.  I'm due an MRI scan in just over a week and then, hopefully, the consultant will come up with a course of treatment which will help!

During this time,  I was not entirely idle - I did go to one of my favourite galleries in London - the National Portrait Gallery, but more of that later.  A day after the stitches were removed from my neck, I went to the wedding of my Brother in Law's son, and, whilst I was not the official photographer (that honour went to my other Brother in Law), I did take my camera and practiced some wedding photography!  I would welcome comments / feedback regarding these.

Meanwhile, I have also signed up for the People and Places module.  I must be mad, but I really enjoy taking photographs involving people, so I felt that this would help me with moving on with TAOP.